Effective advertising with Google Ads
Google is one of the largest advertising platforms in the world. Besides the general optimization for this and other search engines, Google of course also offers rentable advertising space on its products. This refers not only to the search result pages (SERP), but also to Android apps, YouTube, advertising partners, etc. Therefore, it is no longer only relevant how you design your advertising, but also for which platforms you have intended it. Because not only the target, but also its source plays a relevant role. The whole system was called Google Adwords until 2018 and was renamed to Google Ads.
Functionality and prices
Basically, Google Ads offers an editor for the design of the ads, with which titles, metadata and texts can be created in the form of ads. Even at this early stage, it should be well thought out which target group you are addressing, where you want to direct the user to and how you can motivate them to click.
However, in order to reach the right target group, the ad must be set up accordingly. Keywords are used for this purpose, just as in search engine optimization. In Google Ads, a whole set of these keywords must be defined for each ad. The term keyword is very misunderstandable. It is not only about single words, but can also contain short phrases. Instead of "house" a keyword can also be "buy house".
It is important to understand that the price of the ad depends on the keywords. Because Google uses the CPC model here. This stands for Cost-Per-Click. Google Ads prices every single keyword and awards prices from 5 cents to a few euros per click. The more competitive a keyword, the higher the price. Therefore Google Ads is also compared with an auction house for keywords. Every single click of a user on the respective ad and thus the visit of the respective website is billed. The price of the respective click is thus different.
Each ad is assigned a kind of budget, which can be spent monthly by Google. Google then distributes these ads across its platforms and deducts the costs from the budget for each click by a user. If the budget is exhausted, the ad ends for that month. Therefore, it can be said that many cheap keywords are displayed too often than expensive keywords. Whereby these contested keywords often hit the target group much better. So the question is whether one prefers to focus on quantity or quality.
Choosing the right budget
One of the biggest problems for inexperienced users of Google Ads is setting the budget. However, as this depends on many factors that cannot be easily answered, Google Ads has introduced the Budget Planner, which allows you to read a forecast. Nevertheless, users should keep in mind that more budget does not necessarily mean more sales. In general, Google will potentially use up the entire budget that is available. Ultimately, this also means that the ads shown will be shown to users who have little serious interest in them or are difficult to convert into customers. This is a much more important consideration for some industries, such as e-commerce companies, than for magazines and blogs.