
The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The most beautiful website is of no use if search engines cannot find it. Especially since the core update in Google's search algorithm at the beginning of 2019, a lot has changed. So here are the seven most important SEO tips for 2019 to show you how you can best rank with Google.

Google appreciates security

One of the most important SEO factors for Google, apart from content, is of course security. To guarantee this, every page and every element of your website, for example, should be encrypted via SSL. Until a while ago, this was only relevant for pages that processed user data. For example, online shops. Since 2014, it has even been common for some browsers to provide pages without SSL with a warning.

Fast and light

Of course the loading time of your website becomes more and more relevant. Considering that 60% of users are now mobile, it is essential that the page is as light as possible. To achieve this you need to do the following three things:

  • What is seen first should also be loaded first (order of resources)
  • Keep file sizes as small as possible
  • Reducing HTTP Requests

If Google finds your page fast enough, you can see in the Google Pagespeed Insight. There you will also receive clear recommendations for action.

Content is King

Search engines work according to a simple principle: the better the content, the more people will see it. Therefore, the basic principle is that high-quality content is also automatically promoted by Google. The following rules can help you:

  • Create unique text
  • Your target group should have added value
  • Avoid passive sentences and address your users in a concrete way
  • Your text should be structured, both in terms of content and formatting
  • Use keywords you want to be found by
  • Don't overoptimize your text and stay in a natural language
  • Earn backlinks instead of buying

Many agencies will offer you to buy backlinks, i.e. links from other sites to yours. Just like you can buy links on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But since an update in early 2019, Google has become even better at recognizing artificial backlinks. It punishes the biggest search engine in the world.
Earn backlinks here by offering added value, so that other blogs and platforms voluntarily refer to your articles.

SEO Factor Accessibility

Many neglect this point in their SEO activities. You can score particularly well! There are numerous methods to make content available to as many users as possible. For example, visually impaired people who cannot recognize pictures and who may have them read to them by their PC. This presupposes that you have described these images with an alternative text, label and title. Because Google works according to the principle that the more users have added value in your site, the more users it will be shown.

A meaningful link structure

Navigation is the main element to navigate through your website. But even more valuable is a well thought out link structure. You should make sure that keywords can be found in the linked text and in the link itself. The links should also be short and meaningful.

Keywords - Your key to perfect SEO

In the past, texts were often optimized for several keywords at the same time. Especially to cover synonyms that the user could search for. In the update 2019, a Google AI works through synonyms itself and groups texts uniformly. Therefore, optimizing several keywords now has the same effect as spam on Google, which is why this is also punished.


With these seven tips you cover the most important criteria in search engine optimization. Always write for your users, not for the search engine. The users will thank you and the search engines will reward you.